by ameleiro

De 21-26 de abril de 2012 acontecerá o XIII encontro da United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, em Doha, no Qatar. O Instituto Iniciativa Cultural, que também esteve presente na XII Conferência, que ocorreu em Accra/ Gana, participará da Conferência de 2012, que terá como tema “A Globalização centrada no Desenvolvimento: Por um crescimento e desenvolvimento inclusivo e sustentável”.

Terá também ativa participação no Painel “Policy Dialogue on the Creative Economy and Development”. organizado pelo Creative Economy Programme, da UNCTAD, e que discutirá estratégias políticas, processos multilaterais, experiências nacionais e iniciativas concretas para o fortalecimento das economias criativas. Saiba mais clicando aqui.

Leia Declaração da Sociedade Civil para a XIII UNCTAD, que será apresentada na abertura do Civil Society Forum, no dia 17 de abril em Doha, da qual o Instituto Iniciativa Cultural é signatário.

Segundo Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir do Qatar, “…the United Nations system needs to evolve in line with situations that reflect the realities of a new world, a world not linked with interests alone, a world where it is imperative to have an agreement that confirms the principles that govern civilized behavior, while preserving the unity of interests.”

Segundo o Secretário-Geral da UNCTAD, Supachai Panitchpakdi, “Dramatic changes have taken place in the world economy since the last conference in Accra in 2008. The theme os UNCTAD XIII, agreeed among member States, conveys both our disappointment with the failure of finance-driven globalization to deliver prosperity and stability to many countries, in particular those in the developing world, as well as the need to establish different priorities, principles and policies, if we are to turn a fragile recovery into a balanced and secure future for all. We anticipate a very wide-ranging discussion in Doha, with high-level participation from Heads os State and Governments, senior policymakers, Heads of international organizations, CEOS from some of the world´s leading corporations, civil society leaders and eminent academics. I am delighted that an UNCTAD Conference should take place in the Arab region for the fist time ever.”

Ao longo da semana da Conferência, haverá mesas redondas debatendo quatro sub-temas: o terceiro World Investment Forum, Civil Society Forum, Technology and Innovation Day e Global Services Forum.

A Sheika Mozah bint Nasser do Qatar e o Secretário-Geral da UNCTAD, Supachai Panichpakdi organizam conjuntamente um evento de um dia dedicado ao papel crucial da mulher no desenvolvimento.

Sub-temas da Conferência:

1. Enhancing the enabling economic environment at all levels in support of inclusive and sustainable development.
2. Addressing persistent and emerging development challenges as related to their implications for trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.
3. Strengthening all forms of cooperation and partnerships for trade and development, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
4. Promoting investment, trade, entrepreneurship and related development policies to foster sustained economic growth for sustainable and inclusive development.

Local: Qatar National Convention Centre, Doha/ Qatar
Quando: 21-26 de abril de 2012.
Mais informações: www.unctad.org/uxiii e unctadxiii@unctad.org